Balancing Gut: Ayurvedic Approach
06 Apr 2024 - News

Balancing Gut: Ayurvedic Approach

How often do you find yourself feeling sluggish or experiencing digestive discomfort?

It's normal to feel less than stellar from time to time. However, holistic health exists! When you use this ancient system of medicine, it can help with balance and has been praised for its ability to keep your body in order. In this article, we'll discuss the Ayurvedic way to gut health and provide tips on how to reinstate harmony within your digestive system.

By reading these words, you will gain valuable insights into how Ayurveda can transform your gut health and enhance your overall vitality.

Understanding the Ayurvedic Perspective

According to Ayurveda, a person’s gut is in charge of their health as a whole, so keeping balance within it is key. The medicine views an imbalance as something bad since it can lead to other problems like inflammation or weak immunity. Everyone’s gut is different, however, finding out if yours is more Pitta or Kapha rather than Vata will help when figuring out what foods do and don’t work well for you.

Balancing Doshas Through Diet

Eating certain foods while cutting others out could be the answer to all of your problems! If there's too much heat going on in your stomach, an example food could be cucumber because it cools it down. Some other cool alternatives are cilantro or coconut water, which could all be used for one smoothie in the morning!

Boost Your Gut Health In 6 Simple Steps

According to Ayurveda and the Better Health Channel, there are many different steps you can take to help your digestive system. A few of these include:

1) Eating lots of high-fiber foods: Incorporate plenty of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your diet to support digestive health.

2) Diversify Your Diet: Aim for a varied diet rich in different types of foods to promote a diverse microbiome and overall gut health.

3) Avoiding highly processed foods: Minimize consumption of ultra-processed foods and focus on whole, nutrient-dense options to support a healthy gut.

4) Drinking plenty of water: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration and support digestion.

5) Eating foods with a lot of polyphenols: Incorporate foods high in polyphenols, such as berries, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate, to further support gut health.

6) Taking your time while eating: Take your time to eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and savor each bite to aid digestion and promote gut health

ADDITIONALLY, incorporating probiotics could indeed be a beneficial choice for promoting gut health: Consider adding probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi to your diet to introduce beneficial bacteria to your gut.

Herbal Support for Gut Health

Alongside changing what you eat, herbs can also make a huge difference when trying to get your digestion back on track. One herb that does wonders for digestive tracts is Triphala. The formula consists of three fruits, amalaki bibhitaki and haritaki — together they cleanse toxins from intestines as well as rejuvenate them.

ayurvedic herbs

Mind-Body Practices for Gut Harmony

The brain goes hand-in-hand with the stomach because stress levels affect both very heavily! Bloating, indigestion or IBS all come from major stressors. Although some people don’t believe in it, practicing mindful techniques like deep breathing can calm your nervous system down, and learning how to meditate is always a bonus.

If Ayurveda seems like something you’d be interested in going deeper into, we encourage you to explore our state of the art healing center at our Ayurvida Clinic in San Diego.

Our experienced team will do anything they can to make sure that balance is restored within your body and vitality takes over.

Christianne Madrazo. Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, graduate of Mount Madonna Institute, College of Ayurveda in California, and student of Dr. Vasant Lad, one of the world’s foremost experts in Ayurveda.

AyurVida Wellness and Clinic is located in Mission Hills, San Diego, CA.


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